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A substance used for destroying insects or other organisms harmful to cultivated plants or to animals

Would you think to go grab a can of RAID if you saw something on your strawberry or salad?  

How about mosquito repellant if there was something odd looking on your tomato.

The words insecticideinsect repellentinsect growth regulator & rodenticide are all terms that sit under the pesticide umbrella.

The mere idea of fruits & vegetables growing up this way, to then be eaten & digested by

our bodies...well, it just doesn't makes sense.  

If these are the choices given to us by the food industry, what choices are these at all?

By growing our own, we have choice.   Not only that, but for anyone who has not yet

tasted a fruit or vegetable completely organic & free of all toxicity, you are in for a treat.  

Pesticides are one of the most enormous direct cause for the current state of our planet.  

A completely unnecessary and avoidable one.


Pesticides were found to pollute EVERY stream & over 90% of wells in the U.S.


It is estimated between 6 & 14 million fish are killed by pesticides each year in the US.


The USDA's most recent test results on pesticides in food are from 2005.

4,698 residue detections were found on fruit.


Pesticides are responsible for the decline of frogs.


Over 98% of sprayed insecticides & 95% of herbicides reach a destination other than their target species, including non-target species, air, water & soil.

Beneficial insects are exterminated by the use of pesticides. The release of pesticides into the environment produces a ripple effect.  Fruit trees lose their ability to grow fruit.  The estimated pollination losses to food production because of pesticides on honey & wild bees is $200 million dollars per year.

(Environmental & Economic Costs of the Application of Pesticides Primarily in the United States Dr. David Pimentel, Cornell University)



Over 67 million birds are killed by pesticides each year in the US.

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